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Pubg Latest Updates Patch Notes 0.12.0 || Shani King

The PlayersUnknown’s BattleGround/PUBG features Survive Till Dawn 2.0, “Darkest Night’ mode

Pubg player’s unknown battlegrounds has geared up its latest update: Survive Till Dawn Darkest Night mode. Since the game has launched its app on playstore, it is constantly capturing the attention of the game addicts all over the world. Till now, it is on the top of android games list not only in popularity but in revenue too. The game was built on the concept of player vs player online action that invited players from all the countries to join and test their shooting and warfare strategic skills.

Player’s unknown battlegrounds Survive Till Dawn mode

Though battleground game management keeps on improving glitches and brings new updates that not only enhances graphic quality but also adds new features like weaponry system, and character customization, but its new Zombie mode upgrade was the most exciting game feature that allowed gamers to shoot zombies remaining in groups surviving till dawn.  In this update, players had to cope with easy, tough, and hard core zombies leaders. Not only this, you had to compete with other players wouldn’t be wrong,  if we say it was a pure hard core gaming experience to fight at the two ends with limited health bonuses.

 Pubg battle underground Darkest Night’ mode

What’s new in pubg 0.12.0?

Pubg 0.12.0 is loaded with EvoGround mode that has taken place of survive till dawn that is working under Evo mode now. In EvoGround darkest night, players have to fight against terrible zombies for one night without being knocked out. All the teams who survive till dawn will be on winning stand.

Following changes have been made to Survive till dawn:

  • Liquid nitrogen grenades are added to freeze enemies
  • Players can use stun grenades to stun zombies
  • Now zombies can jump with zombies dogs
  • Particular zombies are powered with climbing and jumping over the shorter walls
  • Players with flame thrower can put more damage to zombies. It is one of the most effective weapons that players can use against deadliest zombies even.
  • Firearms are upgraded with lethal capability that will slow down zombies speed once they are hit.
  • Players can complete their daily mission while playing in survive till dawn mode.

What are the pubg in-game improvements in 0.12.0 patch?

  • Automatic door opening in players’ unknown battlegrounds have some glitches that used to stuck sometimes, but in latest update it is improved that will allow players to enter through door more quickly without hanging at the door.
  • Players can disable shadow effects
  • Vikendi, coal mines, and Dino Park have been adjusted with some more buildings
  • A lot of bugs including hair disappearing while wearing certain head covers have been improved

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